訂購需知 & 運費計算

Order notice & freight calculation


❁❁❁國際訂單International order❁❁❁
  1. 外國客戶無需以會員身份登錄       Foreign customers do not need to log in as a member.
  2. 如需訂購請與我們聯絡 If you need to order, please contact us
  3. 網頁售價金額為:新台幣   The price of the website is: New Taiwan Dollar
  4. 請告知 您要訂購的規格和品種   Please inform the specifications and varieties you want to order
  5. 植物檢疫證書:出口證書費及商業發票:NT $ 2,000
    Phytosanitary certificate export certificate fee and commercial invoice: NT$2,000
  6. 外國客戶提供PAYPAL付款服務。手續費+ 5%     
    Foreign customers provide PAYPAL payment service. Hand fee +5%
    Payment method: lu008088@gmail.com
  7. 或使用外幣賬戶    Or use a foreign currency account
  8. 所有國外貨件將通過EMS發送
    All foreign shipments will be sent via EMS
    Foreign freight: will be adjusted according to the order quantity
  9. 非常感謝 thank you very much
  10. 如有任何疑問,請隨時留言或給我們發GMAIL信箱
    If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a message or send us a GMAIL mailbox       pas.agave.plant@gmail.com
❁❁❁ 台灣客戶訂購須知 ❁❁❁
✔匯款:運費另計,請將總金額以ATM轉帳或是金融機構匯款方式訂購,確認收到  匯款後,會安排訂單寄送到府。
❁ ❁ ❁ 運費須知 ❁ ❁ ❁
✔龍舌蘭 及虎尾蘭 等其他屬於多肉植物,出貨皆為脫盆裸根寄送 植株一箱,運費65元。
✔運費的調整  會以當時宅配公司運費的調整為主,適時的公佈修正。
銀行: 彰化銀行-南投分行 銀行代號: 009
戶名:黃佩珊 帳戶:5918-51-051-008-00